Describe the happiest day of your life.

73 responses to “Describe the happiest day of your life.”

  1. I’d be hard-pressed to think of a happy day of my life, let alone the happiest day of my life. When I speak like this I’m always told to “Stop feeling sorry for myself”, or “It can’t be all that bad, can it?”, along with a number of other things meant to dismiss me and what I’d been through in my life.
    No one can imagine that anyone could have had it that bad in life. Hey, wait ’til you read my memoir. That’s all I got to say.
    Do you want to know how bad life has been for me? Are you ready? You’re really not going to believe this one.
    The first time I attempted suicide was when I was 5 years old.
    “Oh, Kelly! Get real will you! They were probably those Flintstone aspirins that you just thought were candy!”
    No, they weren’t color, candy-coated aspirin. No 5-year-old would eat that and think, “Mmmmm, candy!”
    Then you might say, “You were only 5 years old! What could have been going on in your life at that time to make you want to kill yourself?”
    All I have to say is, “Read my memoir.”
    Depending on how young you were when the abuse started and how bad the abuse was, anybody can be driven to attempt – or commit – suicide. Even a 5 year old has a history and a past.
    I remember a movie some years back called, “Brain Candy”. It was a British film and was about research scientists who created a pill that enabled you to think of the happiest day in your life. Furthermore, the brain remained frozen in that memory. It was a comedy, but there was one scene I found particularly sad.
    There was an elderly woman who didn’t have any friends and her son moved away. He was married and had children. He rarely, if ever, visited her so she never got to see her grandchildren.
    One Christmas day her son came over with his wife and children. All they did was come into the house, grab the presents that she had bought and wrapped for them, barely gave her a kiss on the cheek before telling her they had to go.
    The whole 5 minutes they had come (to just get the presents she bought for them) she had a loving smile on her face.
    As they drove off, she stood outside on the front porch waving at them, smiling that silly smile, feeling as if he was the most loving son in the world.
    That was her happiest memory.
    The only problem with these pills, they put them in a comatose-like state and she was in this hospital bed with a goofy grin on her face because she now had this permanent memory of her ‘happiest moment’.
    Knowing my life and how people have been toward me, made me sad. The whole time I’m thinking, “Is that an example of my happiest memory?”
    It made me want to cry. It was a comedy, but for me, it had a very sad message.
    So, I’m very hard-pressed to think of a happy moment, let alone the happiest moment in my life.
    For those who don’t believe me, I have a saying on my blog page that says, “Your opinion is not my reality.”
    Just because you don’t believe me, it doesn’t make it any less real. My reality is going to be different from your reality.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Each path is different for each of us on this journey–I feel your pain and I struggled with this prompt to write about on this day and for many of the same reasons you state. No one can take another’s journey or paint another’s sky, but we can open our hearts to share caring and love so no one is alone on their path . . . to me, that is the most important part–someone cares about you and your path – you matter and your story speaks to other seekers!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind words and support! I am writing my memoir to show others they are not alone and have support. The other goal in writing it is to blow many of the myths that people have regarding mental illness and Asperger’s. It’s important to note that I talk about each separately because Asperger’s is not a mental illness. People need to be edumacated.
        I’m using my blog to do just that. I talk about my struggles with each of these things. Could I bother you to check out my blog? I will be more than happy to check yours out as well. Thank you, Jeanne!


  2. Good afternoon lovely people,
    Here’s my contribution for today’s prompt…
    Enjoy your day!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. This prompt got me a bit in my feelings:
    The Peep Suite: Six Ladies, Quesadillas, and the Happiest Days of My Life

    Liked by 9 people

    1. So many lovely poems today, I had to reread the prompt I thought I missed something!

      Liked by 3 people

  4. […] Note: The Bloganuary prompt for 17 January 2023 is Describe the happiest day of your life. I find this to be an impossible task as I have had so many happy and memorable days! There is no […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Truly is the most magical time of the year.

      Great read, thank you for sharing.


  5. […] have had many happy days. The day when I finished elementary school. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I was […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I thought I shared this earlier but I couldn’t find it so here’s mine. Happy Tuesday!

    Bloganuary – Happy Day

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Describe the happiest day of your life. It can be a day that has already taken place or one that has yet to come. What does it consist of? Who is there? What’s taking place? And what about that day makes it the happiest day of your life? Read on for my thoughts, and let me know about the happiest day of your life or how you’d like it to be.

    Describe the happiest day of your life.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. ‘You have to be kidding!’ was my first thought when I saw the Bloganuary prompt for today. ‘How on earth can I select one day?’

    Describe the happiest day of your life. Bloganuary 17

    Liked by 3 people

  9. 4 months from our ten year anniversary, it’s time to reflect on what it means to me to be married

    Liked by 1 person

  10. […] Bloganuary – Day 17. Describe the happiest day of your […]

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  11. […] “Describe the happiest day of your life,” asks Bloganuary. […]

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  12. Tetyana Skrypkina Avatar
    Tetyana Skrypkina

    I even managed to find a couple of pictures! 🙂

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  13. I thought about pleading the fifth on this, but here’s what I came up with.

    Oh! Happy Day!

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Today’s a hard day. It’s certainly not the happiest in my life. But, hey. At least I finished today’s prompt.

    Bloganuary 17, 2023: Describe the happiest day of your life.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. It was a blue sky day filled with sunshine

    Oh happy day

    Liked by 2 people

  16. What would be the happiest day of your life among all the happiest days of your life? Maybe that day hasn’t come yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. […] Describe the happiest day of your life. […]


  18. […] The Bloganuary question today is “Describe the happiest day of your life.” […]


  19. […] to get me going for January, Bloganuary.  Day 17: Describe the happiest day of […]


  20. […] Describe the happiest day of your life. […]


  21. […] Describe the happiest day of your life. I can’t recall a day that was happier than any other day. I know I should say something about the birth of my children, and although I love them dearly, I was much too young to have my oldest two, and my husband left us when my youngest was only 7 months, so that memory, though happy, is tainted. I’ve had lots of happy days. Days with my kids, vacations, time with friends and extended family, lots and lots of happy days. But like my kids, I don’t have a favorite. […]


  22. […] Day Seventeen: Describe the happiest day of your life. […]


  23. […] all sincerity, I can’t recollect any specific day so far that I can count on as the happiest day of my life. On my wedding day, I think I was a bit anxious about my guests having a good time and hoping […]


  24. […] Day Nineteen: What color describes your personality and why? […]


  25. My happiest is positive things

    The Happiest Day


  26. […] Describe the happiest day of your life. […]


  27. […] Describe the happiest day of your life. […]


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