List five things you do for fun.

27 responses to “List five things you do for fun.”

  1. I have fun in the most peculiar way possible. Because I feel like I’m having fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love getting to know other bloggers through their answers. Great job, Mindy! Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Bloganuary is such a highlight of my year!!! Thank you for participating and engaging ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s the highlight of my year, too 🙂 SO GOOD!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. […] post is part of my attempt at Bloganuary 2024. Today’s prompt […]


    1. Ugh, sorry: I messed-up the formatting of that list. Let’s try another way:


      1. Code

      2. Magic

      3. Piano

      4. Play

      5. Learn

      I’ll dive-in to each of those and what they mean to me in my blog post…

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Here is my post in response to today’s prompt:

    Five Things I Do for Fun

    Five Things I Do for Fun

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Un elenco non sarebbe esauriente, tuttavia neppure si può sviluppare una enciclopedia sulle tante possibilità.
    Il tutto è ad ogni modo vissuto nel continuum dell’essere, senza schematiche divisioni tra un fare e l’altro, in quanto il pensiero e l’anima permeano tutto lo svolgersi della giornata per cui mentre si affronta ad esempio le pulizie di casa l’anima è assorta in preghiera o in progetti e pensieri altri, cucinare può immergersi nell’arte e preghiera consacrando il pasto, e così via.
    Ecco allora, citando diffuse pratiche, se vi è il contesto, tra le varie attività che rallegrano sia anima, sia mente che corpo, si possono esperire: camminare, cucinare, leggere, ascoltare musica, spargere le essenze degli incensi sacri in grani, e non da meno: progettare, immaginare, cercare, meditare, scrivere …

    #Bloganuary today: Elenca cinque cose che fai per divertimento/List five things you do for fun

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  6. I do too many things for fun. If I can’t travel, I go out.
    I go to an open place to sit and meditate.
    I go to the lake or the sea and enjoy the breath and listen to the waves.
    I get my cup of coffee and sit and read in any quiet place.
    I watch a good movie.
    I walk and enjoy being by myself, watch the nature
    I pray.
    I go for a swim.
    I speak to my dear friend.
    I write.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Today’s Bloganuary post is based on the prompt: “List five things you do for fun.” Read on for my response.

    Bloganuary: Five Things I Do For Fun

    Liked by 1 person

  8. […] to get me going for January, Bloganuary.  Day 23:  List five things you do for […]


  9. 1. Watch memes
    2. Listen music
    3. Video gaming
    4. Reading
    5. Sports


  10. A little late to the party, but better late then never!


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